What’s in this guide
Here you’ll find information about what makes up a mortgage payment and about how you can pay.
We also explain payment holidays and what to do if you miss a payment.
We also explain payment holidays and what to do if you miss a payment.
What's on this page?
Other helpful pages
If you want to learn more about mortgage payments, these pages can also help.

What makes up a mortgage payment?
When you repay your mortgage, your payment is made up of three parts
The capital
This goes toward paying off some of the loan amount that you borrowed from your mortgage provider.
The interest
This is the charge for borrowing the money. At the start of your mortgage you may find that a large part of your payment goes towards paying the interest. Over time you’ll see the amount of capital you pay off increase, and the balance will reduce quicker.
Additional fees
When you take out a mortgage there are usually some fees and charges. Some fees are paid before your application and some are added to the total mortgage loan. This increases the loan amount and the amount of interest you’ll pay.
Interest only mortgages are where your payments only cover the interest being charged on the mortgage loan. Your payments may be less as they do not include any payments towards the original loan. This means that the loan amount, often called the capital, needs to be repaid at the end of the mortgage term.
Paying by Direct Debit
Most people choose to make payments via a monthly Direct Debit from their main bank account.
This is arranged as part of your application.
We’ll try to contact you by phone if a Direct Debit fails, and we’ll write to you. It’s important to find a solution as quickly as possible. If you’re struggling to make a payment, please get in touch.
This is arranged as part of your application.
What happens if my mortgage Direct Debit fails?
If your Direct Debit payment fails, please get in touch with your bank. If your Direct Debit fails twice in row, it will be cancelled.We’ll try to contact you by phone if a Direct Debit fails, and we’ll write to you. It’s important to find a solution as quickly as possible. If you’re struggling to make a payment, please get in touch.
Paying by debit card, cheque, transfer or in branch
By debit card
You can call our 24-hour automated line on 0345 1200 200 to make a payment by debit card.
Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers from all phones.
Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers from all phones.
You can pay your mortgage payments by cheque by sending in the post to:
Processing Team,
Yorkshire Building Society,
Yorkshire House,
Yorkshire Drive,
West Yorkshire,
BD5 8LJ.
Processing Team,
Yorkshire Building Society,
Yorkshire House,
Yorkshire Drive,
West Yorkshire,
BD5 8LJ.
Over the counter at your bank or building society, or by Faster Payments, CHAPS or BACS.
You can also make a payment towards your mortgage over the counter at your bank or building society, using these details:
Sort code: 60 – 92 – 04
Account number: The first 8 digits of your YBS mortgage account number
Reference or roll number: The full 10 digits of your YBS mortgage account number
Sort code: 60 – 92 – 04
Account number: The first 8 digits of your YBS mortgage account number
Reference or roll number: The full 10 digits of your YBS mortgage account number
Lump sum payments
Most mortgages allow you to make extra payments. These are known as overpayments.
Overpaying on your mortgage could mean that you have to pay charges called early repayment charges.
So, it’s important to fully understand the terms of your mortgage before making a lump sum payment. See our guide for more information.
Overpaying on your mortgage could mean that you have to pay charges called early repayment charges.
So, it’s important to fully understand the terms of your mortgage before making a lump sum payment. See our guide for more information.

Payment holidays and under paying
Underpayments or payment holidays need to be agreed with us in advance.
If you’d like to chat about your options, please call us.
It’s important to know that underpaying will increase the amount of interest we charge you because interest continues to be charged during payment holidays.
If you would like to take a mortgage payment holiday or pay less for one or more months, you’ll first need to make overpayments on your mortgage to cover this. Overpaying on your mortgage can lead to charges if you overpay too much. So, if you’re planning a payment holiday, it’s best to talk to us first.
If you’d like to chat about your options, please call us.
It’s important to know that underpaying will increase the amount of interest we charge you because interest continues to be charged during payment holidays.
If you would like to take a mortgage payment holiday or pay less for one or more months, you’ll first need to make overpayments on your mortgage to cover this. Overpaying on your mortgage can lead to charges if you overpay too much. So, if you’re planning a payment holiday, it’s best to talk to us first.
Call us
Chat to our mortgage specialists about your options.
Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers from all phones.
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