How cryptocurrency and bitcoin scams may work
Two main ways these scams work are:
How to protect yourself against crypto investment scams
Are you being told what to do?
Are you being rushed?
How old is the social media account?
Are there any trust symbols on the website?
Does the company have documents to back it up?
Is it too good to be true?
How to know if you’re being coached
For example, a “coach” may:
How to spot a crypto scam
There are a number of different scams that use promise of high returns on cryptocurrencies as a way to steal people’s money. These can include pretending to be genuine crypto trading firms, or other firms that claim to be entering the crypto market.
You may be shown graphs and figures showing growth to convince you to invest, or be told that the person you’re speaking to wants you to join them in funding an investment. Apps and websites can be created by criminals to show whatever they want you to see. They will go to great lengths to make you believe what they offer is genuine.
If you are planning to invest in crypto, do your research before parting with your money. Don't take any ‘opportunity’ that has come to you without you asking for it, like in your e-mail inbox or over the phone.
Take your time to check reviews of platforms and get to know what the key terms like ‘blockchain’ and ‘mining’ mean. There can be a lot of volatility in genuine crypto markets, but feeling rushed into making an investment is a sign that you’re the target of a scam.
Report fraud and scams to YBS
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