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What is life insurance?
Life insurance helps take care of the people you love if you pass away.
It will give them financial stability, if the worst happens.
It will give them financial stability, if the worst happens.
Why choose LifeSearch?
We’ve teamed up with LifeSearch, the UK’s leading life insurance broker.
LifeSearch do not provide life insurance policies directly.
They will help you to find quotes and products from top insurers.
They will help guide you through the process of finding life insurance.
LifeSearch offer:
LifeSearch do not provide life insurance policies directly.
They will help you to find quotes and products from top insurers.
They will help guide you through the process of finding life insurance.
LifeSearch offer:
What cover is available with LifeSearch?
Life Insurance
Life Insurance will give a lump sum to your family or loved ones if you pass away during the policy term.
You can choose a fixed or decreasing payout across the lifetime of the policy.
Critical illness cover
If you get a serious illness or a disability, these policies will pay out a lump sum during the policy term.
Policies vary but cover most cancers, heart conditions and strokes.
Income protection cover
If you can't work because of an illness or a disability, these policies will pay you a regular income until you return to work, retire or your policy expires.
Coverage and cancellation
Policy exclusions and limitations will apply.
When you are not covered:
When you are not covered:
You stop paying your premiums.
You give incorrect information.
You die, become terminally ill or are diagnosed with a terminal illness, outside of your policy term.
Cancelling your policy
You will not be charged for cancelling your policy. You can end your policy at any time.
You will not be charged for cancelling your policy. You can end your policy at any time.
Extra benefits
LifeSearch uses a panel of insurers who offer extra benefits.
These benefits might include:
These benefits might include:
24/7 remote access to a GP.
Discounts on gym memberships.
Support with mental health.
Each insurer is different and will offer a different range of benefits. Get in touch with a LifeSearch adviser to find out more about extra benefits.
No commission means lower prices for you
Chelsea Building Society don’t take any commission on insurance policies our customers take out through LifeSearch. These savings are passed on to you, meaning your premiums will be lower.
We can’t guarantee that LifeSearch will always be the cheapest, but we can promise a competitive quote. LifeSearch’s excellent Trustpilot scores show that customer satisfaction levels are high.
We can’t guarantee that LifeSearch will always be the cheapest, but we can promise a competitive quote. LifeSearch’s excellent Trustpilot scores show that customer satisfaction levels are high.
Get a life insurance quote now
Chelsea Building Society choses to introduce its customers to LifeSearch Limited for Life and other protection insurance. LifeSearch Limited is an Appointed Representative of LifeSearch Partners Limited, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Registration Number: 656479. All calls to LifeSearch may be recorded for monitoring and data purposes.
Have an existing policy with Aviva Protection UK Ltd (formerly AIG Life)?
Before you continue
We’ve chosen to offer life insurance (and other types of protection) through LifeSearch. It’s important for you to understand that you will deal directly with Lifesearch and not with Yorkshire Building Society.
LifeSearch do not provide life insurance polices directly.
Lifesearch will give you a range of quotes from their insurance providers. You can compare quotes and choose the best option for what you need.
Having life insurance is not a condition of being offered a mortgage by us.
We are not part of Lifesearch, or any companies associated with them.
LifeSearch do not provide life insurance polices directly.
Lifesearch will give you a range of quotes from their insurance providers. You can compare quotes and choose the best option for what you need.
Having life insurance is not a condition of being offered a mortgage by us.
We are not part of Lifesearch, or any companies associated with them.

- We've chosen to work with AIG Life Limited (AIG) to provide life insurance products to our customers
- The products available are:
Life Insurance - which can provide a cash lump sum if you were to be diagnosed with a terminal illness or die.
Critical illness Cover with Life insurance known as "Critical 3 with Life Insurance" - in addition to providing cover if you were to die or be diagnosed with a terminal illness this can also provide a cash lump sum if you were to suffer from cancer, heart attack or stroke. - If you're considering life insurance to protect a mortgage you have applied for with the Society, please remember, life insurance is not a condition of taking out a mortgage with us, you're under no obligation to take life insurance with AIG and your choice will have no impact on our lending decision.
- When you continue to AIG's website you can use a handy tool to help you calculate how much insurance you need. You'll also find full information about the products on offer, including what they insure you for and what they don't. You can get a personalised quote and apply for cover using AIG's quick and straightforward application process.
- It's important to understand that you'll be dealing directly with AIG and we will not provide you with a personal recommendation. AIG's website includes a helpful web chat facility to deal with any queries or provide assistance so that you have all the information you need to make the right choice for your circumstrances.

If you feel you need additional support before applying, please call AIG on
0330 390 0520*Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm and Saturday 10am to 3.30pm.
*Calls to 0800 numbers are free of charge from a landline or mobile. Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same standard network rate as 01 or 02 landline numbers, even when calling from a mobile.