Legal terms & conditions
"Chelsea Building Society" and "the Chelsea" are trading names of Yorkshire Building Society.
Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Building Societies Association and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
We are entered in the Financial Services Register , under registration number 106085.
Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Service and a participant of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Our website terms and condtions
Please read the terms and conditions for our website.
Write to us
Yorkshire Building Society
Yorkshire House
Yorkshire Drive
West Yorkshire
All communications with us may be monitored/recorded to improve the quality of our service and for your protection and security.
Yorkshire Building Society will communicate with you in English.
Yorkshire House
Yorkshire Drive
West Yorkshire
All communications with us may be monitored/recorded to improve the quality of our service and for your protection and security.
Yorkshire Building Society will communicate with you in English.