What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is a legal document which gives a person power to act on behalf of another person. This will normally be in relation to the other person’s welfare, property or finances.

The person being given the power is known as ‘the attorney’.

The person who the attorney is acting on behalf of is known as ‘the donor’.

You may wish to act on behalf of another person when they are:

  •  Ill or disabled 
  •  Living abroad

There are different types of Power of Attorney documents. We recommend that you seek advice on which type of Power of Attorney is most suitable for you.

When acting on behalf of a donor with Chelsea Building Society, we’ll just need you to have permission to deal with their finances and property. 

We only accept English, Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish Power of Attorney documents.

Contact us

Call us

If you'd like to talk to us about Power of Attorney, call our specialist team. 

01274 263 037*

Option 1, Option2
 9am - 5pm Mon to Fri

Write to us

Please send documents to:

Power of Attorney Advisory Team
Customer Relations 
Yorkshire Building Society
Yorkshire House
Yorkshire Drive
West Yorkshire

If you'd prefer to speak to someone in person please call into any of our Yorkshire Building Society branches or agencies.

Find your nearest Yorkshire Building Society branch or agency

More information

You can also find more information regarding Powers of Attorney by contacting the Office of the Public Guardian on 0300 456 0300*.

Understanding Power of Attorney terms 


A person who has been appointed to carry out decisions for another person.

Beneficial Owner

The Beneficial Owner is a person who cannot manage their own affairs.

Certified Copies

These are copy documents which have been checked and verified as being the same as the original by one of the following: bank/building society employees, solicitors, accountants, commissioner for oaths, or independent financial advisers.

Deed of Disclaimer

This is required when an individual no longer wishes to act as an Attorney. This deed needs to be sent to the Office of the Public Guardian for registration before it can be used.

Deed of Revocation

This is used in England and Wales when you want to end the rights you have given under a Power of Attorney. It needs to be sent to the Office of the Public Guardian for registration before it can be used. See https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney/end for more information.


The Donor is the person who lets someone else (the Attorney) make decisions for them.

HMRC (His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs)

The UK Government department for the administration and collection of taxes.

ISA (Individual Savings Account)

A tax-efficient cash savings account.


The Court of Protection document.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows the Attorney to make decisions or carry out transactions for another person. There are three main types in England and Wales:

1. Lasting Power of Attorney
There are two different Lasting Powers of Attorney, one which relates to health and welfare and one for property and financial affairs.  It would be one relating to property and financial affairs that you would register with us. They need to be registered at the Office of the Public Guardian.

2. General Power of Attorney 
These do not need to be registered at the Office of Public Guardian, however if you lose mental capacity they will no longer be valid. They are often used to give rights for a specific event, for example if you need someone to be able to make decisions for you temporarily when you go on holiday.

3. Enduring Power of Attorney 
Enduring Powers of Attorney are only valid if they were signed and written before 1 October 2007. You can use them even if they haven’t been registered at the Office of the Public Guardian provided that you still have mental capacity. If you start to lose mental capacity the Power of Attorney will need to be registered at the Office of the Public Guardian.